Giving Back

Youth Advisory Commission (YAC) Member

Madison's passion and dedication as a YAC representative in Hoboken in 2021-2022 helped identify and advocate for community improvements. She forged a strong relationship between youth and government, providing a platform for teenagers to express their ideas and create positive change.

Office of the Mayor of Hoboken

Girls on The Run

Girls on the Run senior mentor Madison inspired 15 middle schoolers to build confidence, kindness, and decision-making skills through weekly lessons, instilling valuable life skills and the connection between physical and emotional health. Their journey culminated in a 5K run in Sparta, NJ, on May 23, 2023.

Hoboken Public Schools


Certified Lifeguarding with CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers, First Aid, Waterfront Skills, and Waterpark Skills

American Red Cross

Co-Founder, Health & Wellness Committee

Co-Founded Health and Wellness Committee, as part of Hoboken High School Student Government. This Committee was created to improve healthcare access and education by spearheading citywide events such as blood drives, suicide prevention fundraisers, teen driving awareness, cancer awareness, CPR certifications, and domestic violence awareness seminars. These initiatives have begun to normalize difficult conversations around sensitive topics.

Hoboken High School